Projects & Tips

Here’s a sample of the projects and spaces we’ve organized. Living rooms, game rooms, closets, kitchens, garages, offices… you name it, we’ve organized it.

We’re here to help declutter and organize your home or business. 

Home Organizer Projects & Tips

Home Organizer for Living Areas

Living Areas

Organize using your favorite color! Red bins, jars, containers, and vases are used to help store and tidy this kitchen and living area and make a big, BOLD statement.

Home Organizer for Closets


These woven baskets with a cotton/linen lining are big space savers… plenty of storage room and so charming in the closet! Use our home organizer method for baby clothes, pajamas, diapers, onesies, and much more.

Home Organizer for Play Rooms

Play Rooms

Game room organizing is always so much fun! Colorful toys and bins make things bright and surprisingly easy for kids to manage their clean up time. That’s right – we’ll get your kids organizing too! Keeping your kids spaces decluttered is a huge stress relief!

Beige Modern Office


Simple, yet elegant storage boxes combined with contemporary binder cases and racks keep things neat and organized and create a stylish modern look in a home office.

Home Organizer for Shared Spaces

Shared Spaces

Clear jars and containers to store and organize everything from spices to grains are a sure way to brighten your kitchen. And, organizing by color provides symmetry and uniformity. Colors are popping!

Home Organizer for Kitchens


Displaying colorful dishes and glasses on open kitchen shelving requires things stay orderly and functional at the same time. The House Organized Method is perfect for this. Organizing by category or color enables quick and easy access to everyday items.

Home Organizer for Storage Areas

Storage Areas

Storage areas like bookcases don’t have to be boring! Mix and match your area and add brightness and color to any room.